Friday, May 20, 2011

Marriage Is Like A Bandaid

On top of my culmination of crazy ambitions to be rich and rule the world (See previous post), I have a crazy strong urge to get married and have millions of babies. Although I am deathly afraid of being married and having kids, I feel that I need to be married and have lots of babies. Sometimes I am confused as to whether I really want this or I am just being incredibly impatient. I see all these cute babies and I wants one! They're so cute. I know my babies would be uber-cute and rule the world; and they'd have the brains to do so. Perhaps marriage is like a bandaid, and you've just got to pull it off real quick and get it over with.
I don't want some big religious wedding. It would be hypocritical since I'm an atheist. I want karaoke and drinking at my committment ceremony (or wedding, whatever you want to call it)! I just want the whole thing to be a fun time with close friends and family. (I'm not into traditional stuff.) I really want to sing (perhaps with a band) meaningful songs to my sweetie. I think it would be awesome! And then get drunk and have a ball. ;-)
Forever impatient with the slow pace of life,
Stephanie ;-)

Edit: I just added a new page titled Live Green! to my blog! Scroll down to find it under the "Pages" column on the right, or click here. This new page has tips on how to live green and a recipe for a natural household cleaner! :)

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